A downloadable game


This is just a demo of the game. It is still in early development.

This game contains blood and strong language.

The Story

Arkham Detective is a psychological horror game set in the fictional universe created by H.P. Lovecraft.

The story takes place in 1919 in the City of Arkham, Massachusetts. You play as Joe Adams, a private detective, trying to solve a string of mysterious killings.

In our playable demo, you get to play out one of the levels in the game that takes place quite early in the story.

Comments from the development team:

This is an early build and we awknowledge that there are bugs present. Here is a list of the most notable ones and potential workarounds/fixes:

  • There is no indicator of the keybind to leave the "interacting with object". To cancel this, press E
  • There is also no control scheme for the Clueboard in the start. It can also be cancelled by pressing E 
  • ALT-tabbing out of the game can result in breaking the functionality of the Clueboard minigame
  • If you go to settings->back to pause->resume from the main menu, you break the game and it will require a restart to work
  • Interacting with the manhole cover is supposed to send you back to the office, but this is currently bugged and may not always be the case
    • If this does not work, you can return to the office by pressing "Esc --> Settings --> Back to Menu --> Play"to reset the game. This will spawn you back in the office

We hope you enjoy our little demo!

     - Skelly Boy Studios


Arkham Detective VS2.rar 910 MB

Install instructions

Download, Unzip and run the .exe file in the windows folder.